Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fine Motor Development - The Butterfly Hill Way

Fine motor development in many early childhood programs is practiced through manipulating things such as play dough, sand, scissors, glue bottles, painting, writing, coloring with crayons.  Many parents and educators believe that fine motor skills should be "taught" through worksheets, teacher directed crafts that involve cutting and gluing, and handwriting workbooks.  The teachers at Butterfly Hill have researched the way children learn and know that children learn through self-directed play experiences.  In order to eventually write their names, children need to use those little hand muscles to squeeze things.

They need to pound things to gain stength in their core and in the hands.

Children need to have acess to a variety of materials to make marks, color, and paint with.

When given time, freedom to explore and materials to explore with, children are unstoppable. They will strengthen those little muscles so they can do things like this!

She used the muscles in her little hands to cut around all the bends these antlers have!  

Trust us. Trust your child.  Trust the process!  

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